Special guest in our CT laboratory

In the past days our CT laboratory at the CEITEC BUT was visited by Professor Joy Richman from the University of British Columbia, Canada. Prof. Richman is a significant biologist who has long been involved in Embryology, Gene Expression and Function, and Evolution, especially the development of jaws and teeth at different stages of embryonic development. Her program here included the lecture called Diving into the Marianas Trench of Human Craniofacial Development Using 3D imaging to explore growth of the head in the middle trimester. In her lecture she emphasized the possibility of 3D imaging by computed tomography applied on the observation of facial development during different embryonic stages. This interesting lecture was also attended by our fellow biologists, with whom our laboratory has been cooperating for a long time. Part of Joy Richman’s visit was an excursion to our devices and together discussion of the possibilities for further cooperation.