Tomas Zikmund has won internal competition at CEITEC BUT

Our laboratory leader Ing. Tomáš Zikmund, Ph.D. has won the internal competition at CEITEC BUT in Supporting pedagogical work of academic staff. Profiling and innovation of study programs at the level of courses/lectures.

Project called Reconstruction software for nano computed tomography promise the definition and implementation of tomographic reconstruction algorithms, implementation of algorithms for reduction of the most prominent tomographic artefacts and ring artefacts and creation of graphical user interface (GUI) for tomographic reconstruction software with modules for tomographic artefacts reduction.

The aim of this project is to introduce the reconstruction procedure for computed tomography as a complex solution for precise and artefact-free tomographic data reconstruction to the appropriate Ph.D. subject. 


Comparison of CT slice reconstructed using standard tomographic reconstruction and CT slice reconstructed using specially developed computed tomography software with dedicated algorithms for tomographic artifacts reduction – ring artifacts and noise reduction algorithms were applied.