GE phoenix v|tome|x L240
- granite-based 7-axis manipulator for long-term stability and highest precision
- detector: flat panel dynamic 41|100: 4000 x 4000 px, pixel size 100 μm
- air-conditioned cabinet
- cluster of 4 GPUs – faster CT data reconstruction
- 240 kV / 320 W microfocus tube
- 180 kV / 15 W nanofocus tube
- samples up to 500 x 800 mm and 50 kg
- min. voxel size 2 µm for 240 kV tube, 1 µm for 180 kV tube
Virtual tour through laboratory
GE phoenix v|tome|x m
- granite-based 5-axis manipulator
- Temperature stabilized digital GE DXR detector array
- cluster of 4 GPUs – faster CT data reconstruction
- 300 kV / 500 W microfocus tube
- samples up to 360 x 600 mm and 50 kg
- min. voxel size 1 µm
Intended upgrade to metrology edition with a measurement accuracy of 4+L/100 µm referring to VDI 2630 guideline
- Sample stage: automatic 5-axis stage
- Stage rotation axis accuracy: <0.5 μm
- Detector: X-ray CCD camera
- Dynamic range: 16 bit
- Number of pixels: 3300 × 2500
- Linear pixel size: 0.27 µm, 0.54 µm, 1.08 µm, 2.16 µm
- Field of view: 0.7 × 0.9 mm, 1.4 × 1.8 mm, 2.8 × 3.6 mm, 5.6 × 7.2 mm
- Rotatory target: Cr, Cu and Mo
- Tube voltage: 20 to 50 kV
- Tube current: up to 30 mA
Data analyses:
- Quantitative analytic software of 3D images nano3DCalc
- Quantitative measurement (volume, surface area, orientation and centre of gravity location)
- Imaging software of 3D images INTAGE Realia Professional
Virtual tour through laboratory
Thermo Fisher Scientific Heliscan
- X-ray source: 20–160 kV, power 8 W
- flat panel detector 3072 × 3072 pixels, dynamic range 16bit
- highly precise stage for helical path
- voxel resolution up to 0.8 µm
- limits: sample diameter 0.5–240 mm, maximum load 3 kg, no stitching needed for samples up to 100 mm in height
Helical scanning trajectory enables to produce a continuous geometrically accurate 3D image of tall samples, without stitching. The patented iterative reconstruction technology provides a critical image resolution and a high signal-to-noise acquisition.
Virtual tour through laboratory
Microme|x microfocus X-ray inspection system
- 180 kV / 20 W high-power microfocus tube with up to 0,5 µm detail detectability
- Combined 2D / 3D CT operation
- Brilliant live images by high dynamic temperature-stabilized GE DXR digital detector with 30 fps (frames per second)
- Precise manipulation
- Optional offset|scan capability to scan bigger parts or the same size parts with higher resolution
- Advanced planarCT option for slice or multislice package evaluation without overaying structures
The phoenix microme|x is a high-resolution 180 kV microfocus X-ray inspection system for real time inspection of solder joints and electronic components. Innovative and unique features and an extreme high positioning accuracy make the system the effective and reliable solution for a wide spectrum of 2D and 3D inspection tasks: R&D, failure analysis, process and quality control.