CTLAB participated in the unveiling ceremonial of new BUT student formulas
Our laboratory has been sponsoring the TU Brno Racing, student team for several years, which develops a new model of the student formula every year. In cooperation with the team, we participate in the development of automotive parts through non-destructive computed tomography testing. In recent years, the CT lab has tested, for example, the quality of glued joints in the development of composite axle arms or the geometry of shock absorber heads for their subsequent optimization and checked the quality of production of carbon wheels, which are based on the new formula Dragon X.
Dragon eD1 is historically the first electrical formula of a student team, which also includes software being developed.
Last season, students were not allowed to physically work on the monopost due to the pandemic, so this year the team introduced two new models of formulas - Dragon X a Dragon eD1. Dragon eD1 will appear on the track for the first time at the domestic race in Most at the end of July. The Dragon X with an internal combustion engine will then head to foreign races. Last season, the Dragon 9 team placed 9th in the global competition of more than 600 teams and is still the 3rd best team in Europe.
TU Brno Racing with both monoposts - from the left Dragon eD1 and Dragon X.