Aktuální projekty
- Principal-investigator of TACR (Technology agency of the Czech Republic) TH 82020003
- Healable Al alloys Manufacturing by Advanced Automated Characterisation 2023 – 2026
Cílem projektu HAMAAC (TH 82020003) je vývoj nového vysokopevnostního kompozitu s hojitelnou hliníkovou matricí (hAMC) na bázi slitin Al-Mg-Sc, který reaguje na rostoucí poptávku po lehkých, nosných dílech s prodlouženou životností v leteckém a obranném průmyslu. Díly, jako jsou výměníky tepla nebo spojovací prvky, budou vyráběny pomocí laserové práškové fúze (L-PBF).
hAMC umožní:
1) snížit četnost výměn dílů o min. 50 % díky své schopnosti hojení
2) umožnit úsporu hmotnosti, a tím snížit emise CO2 díky snížené spotřebě paliva
3) zvýšit bezpečnost díky pokročilé kontrole kvality a kontrole v raných fázích vzniku prasklin
Hojení tavením v kapalné eutektické fázi bude charakterizováno a následně optimalizováno pomocí specializovaného vícerozměrného zobrazovacího a analytického protokolu, který zahrnuje 3D korelativní tomografii. Rozšířením protokolu pro průmyslové použití vznikne na základě zpracování dat umělou inteligencí (AI) automatizovaná sestava charakterizačních nástrojů pro kontrolu kvality dílů L-PBF.
Projekt HAMAAC je spolufinancován se státní podporou Technologické agentury ČR v rámci Programu M-ERA.NET. Tento projekt/výsledek byl financován v rámci Národního plánu obnovy z evropského Nástroje pro oživení a odolnost.
- Internal agency grants of Brno University of Technology category
Analysis of porosity evolution in permanent grassland soil through the seasons and the impact of climate change: Primary study, 2022-2023, MSc. Victory A. J. Jaques (CEITEC VUT/FCH-J-22-7903)
- Quality internal grants VUT KInG
CEITEC VUT-K-22-7741. Thermal induced changes of organic temper in archaeological ceramics for the discovery of manufacturing process: Temperature-porosity correlation, MSc. Victory A. J. Jaques
- Co-investigator of GACR (The Czech Science Foundation) 21-05146S
The role of TMEM107 in craniofacial structures development; 2021-2023
Main investigator: doc. RNDr Marcela Buchtová, Ph.D.
- Co-investigator of GACR (The Czech Science Foundation) 20-27653S
Influence of infants and children lungs development on flow field and aerosol deposition – computational modelling and experimental validation; 2020 - 2022
Main investigator: Jícha Miroslav, prof. Ing., CSc.
- TACR Zeta (Technology agency of the Czech Republic) TJ02000127
Differentiation of soft tissues by dual energy tomography; 2019-2021
Co-investigator: Rigaku Innovative Technologies Europe, s.r.o.
- TACR TREND (Technology agency of the Czech Republic) FW03010161
Research and development of filtration systems for the utilization in transport and selected industrial applications; 2021 - 2025
Subprogram: Technologic leaders
Main investigator: Ing. Tomáš Zikmund Ph.D.
- Co-investigator of TACR NCK (Technology agency of the Czech Republic) TN01000008
Quantitative analysis of X-ray CT images & enhancement modalities; 2021
Main investigator: CEITEC BUT
Continuation of the original program
- Quality intern grants VUT KInG
CEITEC VUT-K-21-6956. High-resolution X-ray computed tomography inspection of metallic parts with metal artifact reduction, Ing. Marek Zemek
CEITEC VUT-K-21-6938. Multiscale 3D analysis of Lithium-Ion batteries, Ing. Pavel Blažek
- Internal agency grants of Brno University of Technology
Minulé projekty
- CEITEC 2020 (LQ1601) Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under the National Sustainability Programme II
- CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure LM2015041 (MEYS CR, 2016–2019)
- Ceitec Nano+ project, CZ.02.01/0.0./.0.0./16_013/0001728 under the program OP RDE.
- MEYS CR (The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic) 8JCH1072
Study on deterioration rule of shotcrete under complex environment of deep underground space; 2019-2020.
Other investigator: Shandong University of Science and Technology, China
- TACR Zeta (Technology agency of the Czech Republic) TJ01000382
Advanced techniques for biological samples imaging using X-ray computed nanotomography; 2018-2019
Other investigator: Rigaku Innovative Technologies Europe, s.r.o.
- Co-investigator of TACR NCK (Technology agency of the Czech Republic) TN01000008
Quantitative analysis of X-ray CT images & enhancement modalities; 2019-2020
Main investigator: CEITEC BUT
- Co-investigator of GACR (The Czech Science Foundation) 17-14886S
Molecular and cellular dynamics of tooth-bone interface in model species with acrodont, pleurodont and thecodont dentition; 2017-2019
Main investigator: Czech Academy of Sciences
- Co-investigator of AZV (Agentura pro zdravotnický výzkum České republiky) 17-31276A
Comprehensive pre-clinical evaluation of lateral lumbar spine fusion with hybrid biodegradable nanocomposite porous implant.; 2017 - 2020
Main investigator: Trunec Martin, prof. Ing., Dr.
- Co-investigator of AFM Telethon (The French Muscular Dystrophy Association) 21853
Investigating heterogeneities and morphogenesis of cranial mesoderm derived skeletal muscles
Main investigator: Tajbakhsh Lab, Institut Pasteur, France
- Internal agency grants of Brno University of Technology
Study of bioactive coatings on skull implants, 2018, Ing. Dominika Kalasová
Quantitative nano computed tomography, 2018, Ing. Jakub Šalplachta
Preparation and imaging of mouse brains on nanotomographic device Rigaku Nano3DX, 2018, Mgr. Michaela Kavková
Characterization of lab-based helical X-ray computed tomography system for propagation-based phase contrast imaging, 2019, Ing. Dominika Kalasová
Data registration for Dual-Target X-ray nano Computed tomography, 2019, Ing. Jakub Šalplachta
Micro computed tomography analysis of transgenic rat brains as a research model of Alzheimer disease, 2019, Mgr. Michaela Kavková
Application of industrial X-ray computed tomography for muscle-skeletal imaging at vertebrates, 2019, Ing. Markéta Tesařová
Deep learning assisted segmentation of x-ray computed tomography images, 2020, Ing. Jan Matula
3D visualization of Lithium-ion batteries internal structures by X-ray microscope Rigaku nano3DX, zahájení, 2020, Ing. Jakub Šalplachta