Aktuální projekty

​​ Virtuální dekompozice materiálů s pomocí duálně-targetová rentgenové výpočetní tomografie

Řešitel CT LAB: Ing. Markéta Kaiser, Ph.D.

Období řešení: 1/2025 - 12/2026

Investor/Program: Technologická agentura ČR / TAČR SIGMA

EXCITE²: Enhanced X(cross)-disciplinary Community-driven Imaging Technologies for Earth and Environmental material research

Řešitel CT LAB: prof. Ing. Jozef Kaiser, Ph.D.

Období řešení: 4/2024 - 3/2028

Investor/Program: Evropská unie / Horizon Europe

Vliv mikroplastů na modelové organismy a jejich osud v životním prostředí za použití zobrazovacích a spektroskopických technik

Řešitel CT LAB: doc. Ing. Tomáš Zikmund, Ph.D.

Období řešení: 7/2023 - 6/2026

Investor/Program: Grantová agentura ČR / LA granty

Vývoj nové generace bezdrátového dvou-osého manipulátoru pro průmyslovou rentgenovou počítačovou tomografii

Řešitel CT LAB: prof. Ing. Jozef Kaiser, Ph.D.

Období řešení: 8/2023 - 7/2026

Investor/Program: Technologická agentura ČR / TAČR TREND

Výroba samohojitelných Al slitin s využitím pokročilé automatizované charakterizace

Řešitel CT LAB: prof. Ing. Jozef Kaiser, Ph.D.

Období řešení: 5/2023 - 4/2026

Investor/Program: Technologická agentura ČR / TAČR M-ERA.NET

REaL-tIme characterization of ANisotropic Carbon-based tEchnological fibres, films and composites (RELIANCE)

Řešitel CT LAB: prof. Ing. Jozef Kaiser, Ph.D.

Období řešení: 2/2023 - 1/2027

Investor/Program: Evropská unie / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Minulé projekty

Technologická agentura ČR (TAČR)

  • TAČR ZETA, TJ02000127, Differentiation of soft tissues by dual energy tomography; 2019-2021                                           Co-investigator: Rigaku Innovative Technologies Europe, s.r.o.
  • TAČR ZETA, TJ01000382, Advanced techniques for biological samples imaging using X-ray computed nanotomography; 2018-2019                                                                                                                                                                                           Other investigator: Rigaku Innovative Technologies Europe, s.r.o.
  • TAČR NCK, TN01000008, Quantitative analysis of X-ray CT images & enhancement modalities; 2021, Main investigator: CEITEC BUT, Continuation of the original program 
  • TAČR NCK, TN01000008, Quantitative analysis of X-ray CT images & enhancement modalities; 2019-2020, Main investigator: CEITEC BUT
  • TAČR TREND, FW03010161, Research and development of filtration systems for the utilization in transport and selected industrial applications; 2021 - 2025, Subprogram: Technologic leaders, Main investigator: Ing. Tomáš Zikmund Ph.D.

Grantová agentura ČR (GAČR)

  • Co-investigator of GAČR 21-05146S, The role of TMEM107 in craniofacial structures development; 2021-2023

    Main investigator: doc. RNDr Marcela Buchtová, Ph.D.

  • Co-investigator of GAČR 20-27653S, Influence of infants and children lungs development on flow field and aerosol deposition – computational modelling and experimental validation; 2020 - 2022                                                                  Main investigator: Jícha Miroslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  • Co-investigator of GACR 17-14886S, Molecular and cellular dynamics of tooth-bone interface in model species with acrodont, pleurodont and thecodont dentition; 2017-2019                                                                                                        Main investigator: Czech Academy of Sciences

Kvalitní interní granty VUT KInG

  • CEITEC VUT-K-22-7741. Thermal induced changes of organic temper in archaeological ceramics for the discovery of manufacturing process: Temperature-porosity correlation, MSc. Victory A. J. Jaques  
  • CEITEC VUT-K-21-6956. High-resolution X-ray computed tomography inspection of metallic parts with metal artifact reduction, Ing. Marek Zemek
  • CEITEC VUT-K-21-6938. Multiscale 3D analysis of Lithium-Ion batteries, Ing. Pavel Blažek 

Internal agency grants of Brno University of Technology

  • Analysis of porosity evolution in permanent grassland soil through the seasons and the impact of climate change: Primary study, 2022-2023, MSc. Victory A. J. Jaques (CEITEC VUT/FCH-J-22-7903)
  • Study of bioactive coatings on skull implants, 2018, Ing. Dominika Kalasová​
  • Quantitative nano computed tomography, 2018, Ing. Jakub Šalplachta
  • Preparation and imaging of mouse brains on nanotomographic device Rigaku Nano3DX, 2018, Mgr. Michaela Kavková     
  • Characterization of lab-based helical X-ray computed tomography system for propagation-based phase contrast imaging, 2019, Ing. Dominika Kalasová​
  • Data registration for Dual-Target X-ray nano Computed tomography, 2019, Ing. Jakub Šalplachta
  • Micro computed tomography analysis of transgenic rat brains as a research model of Alzheimer disease, 2019, Mgr. Michaela Kavková
  • Application of industrial X-ray computed tomography for muscle-skeletal imaging at vertebrates, 2019, Ing. Markéta Tesařová
  • Deep learning assisted segmentation of x-ray computed tomography images, 2020, Ing. Jan Matula​
  • 3D visualization of Lithium-ion batteries internal structures by X-ray microscope Rigaku nano3DX, zahájení, 2020, Ing. Jakub Šalplachta

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy

  • MEYS CR 8JCH1072, Study on deterioration rule of shotcrete under complex environment of deep underground space; 2019-2020. Other investigator: Shandong University of Science and Technology, China
  • CEITEC 2020, LQ1601, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under  the National Sustainability Programme II
  • CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure, LM2015041 (MEYS CR, 2016-2019)
  • Ceitec Nano+ project, CZ.02.01/0.0./.0.0./16_013/0001728 under the program OP RDE.

Agentura pro zdravotnický výzkum ČR

  • Co- investigator of AZV 17-31276A, Comprehensive pre-clinical evaluation of lateral lumbar spine fusion with hybrid biodegradable nanocomposite porous implant.; 2017 - 2020, Main investigator: Trunec Martin, prof. Ing., Dr.

  The French Muscular Dystrophy Association

  • Co-investigator of AFM Telethon 21853, Investigating heterogeneities and morphogenesis of cranial mesoderm derived skeletal muscles, Main investigator: Tajbakhsh Lab, Institut Pasteur, France